
Weでは、"今流れている~Current Topics~"をもとに、日本語を学ぶ世界の人たちとディスカッションする機会があります。




English 日本語 English Example Sentence 日本語の例文
attract 引きつける The beautiful scenery attracts many tourists. 美しい景色が多くの観光客を引きつける。
attention 注意、注目 The athlete's outstanding performance caught everyone's attention. アスリートの卓越したパフォーマンスが皆の注目を集めた。
participate 参加する Twenty countries will participate in the competition. 20カ国が競技に参加する。
two-way player 二刀流選手 Ohtani is a talented two-way player in baseball. 大谷は野球の才能あふれる二刀流選手だ。
commissioner コミッショナー The commissioner presented the award to the player. コミッショナーは選手に賞を授与した。
popularize 普及させる The invention of smartphones helped popularize mobile technology. スマートフォンの発明がモバイル技術の普及に貢献した。
home run ホームラン The batter hit a spectacular home run. バッターは見事なホームランを打った。
triple crown 三冠 He became the youngest triple crown winner in history. 彼は史上最年少の三冠王になった。
perfect game パーフェクトゲーム The pitcher achieved a rare perfect game. 投手はめったにないパーフェクトゲームを達成した。
powerhouse 強豪 The team is considered a powerhouse in the tournament. そのチームは大会の強豪と見なされている。
expectations 期待 High expectations are placed on the young athlete. 若いアスリートには高い期待が寄せられている。
global sport グローバルスポーツ Soccer is a popular global sport. サッカーは人気のあるグローバルスポーツだ。



The World Baseball Classic (WBC), a tournament which determines the baseball champion team in the world, started on March 8th; it has been attracting a lot of attention.


A record number of 20 countries and regions participated, and many eyes were on OHTANI Shohei, a member of the Japanese team.


Ohtani, a two-way player in Major League Baseball who plays both as a pitcher and a hitter, is one of the best in both categories. He is the first two-way player since Babe RUTH, the “God of Baseball.”


In 2021, he was named MVP and the Major League Baseball commissioner gave him a special award, praising him for popularizing baseball worldwide.


Last year, he surpassed Babe Ruthʼs century-old record of two-way playing in both pitching and home runs.


In addition to Ohtani, the Japanese team includes MURAKAMI Munetaka, who last year broke the record for most home runs in a season in Japanese professional baseball and became the youngest triple crown winner, and pitcher SASAKI Rouki, who pitched a perfect game.


Coach KURIYAMA Hideki who leads “Samurai Japan,” considered the strongest team in history, said, “our goal is to become the champion in the world by defeating powerhouses such as the United States and the Dominican Republic.”

国内でWBCへの期待が高まっている背景には、日本では野球がサッカーと並び最も人気のあるスポーツで、WBCで2度優勝して いることもあります。

One of the reasons behind the high expectations for the WBC in Japan is that baseball is the most popular sport in Japan, along with soccer, and the country has won the WBC twice.


This WBC could make baseball a global sport like soccer.




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